One Health Spring 2015 Seminar Series

January 14, 2015
Safe Foods through One Health
Dr. Michael Doyle, University of Georgia

February 11, 2015One Health Spring 2015 Seminar Flyer

Targeting a mammalian host metabolic pathway for improved chemotherapy against the foodborne pathogen Toxoplasma gondii
Dr. Silvia Moreno, University of Georgia

March 18, 2015
Drowning in Data Yet Unable to Find What You Need? Data Challenges for the 21st Century Health Researcher
Dr. Jessica Kissinger, University of Georgia

April 15, 2015
Dr. Nicolas Chronos, Stanford University 

All seminars hosted on Wednesdays at 1pm in room 175 of the Paul D. Coverdell Center and will be followed by a reception.

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