Brand-new Drug Discovery Core lab hopes to develop treatments of leading diseases

The Drug Discovery Core (DDC) laboratory is a brand-new, campus-wide collaborative facility that is designed to hasten the development of therapeutic drugs for a number of major diseases.

The DDC is a result of an initiative that started with a survey distributed to UGA researchers in 2016 which identified chemical screening and toxicity profiling as the most critical needs for enhancing drug discovery research at UGA. The DDC will work to address those needs for faculty who have already been working in infectious disease, regenerative medicine, cancer biology, and other human health-focused disciplines.

The DDC’s creating was initiated largely by two BHSI faculty members, Shelley Hooks, who is the interim director of the center of Drug Discovery and associate professor of pharmaceutical and biomedical science, and Brian Cummings, who is the director of the Interdisciplinary Toxicology Program and professor in the pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences department.

Find out more exciting information about the development of this initiative and its objectives by reading the full article at UGA Today.